
Removal of Lipoma

Lipoma - soft, movable and painless fatty tissue.. 
In fact, it's a good-will. Lipoma is not dangerous.But in very rare cases, the lipoma may turn into malignant liposarcoma.

The lipoma may develop in any part of the body where the fibrous tissue is present. Usually lipomas are observed in the waist, neck, head, arms and legs, and milk diarrhea in women. However, lipomas are sometimes found in very different areas, even in the inner organs.
The causes of lipoma origin are not known in medicine. According to experts, disorders of the exchange processes, inheritance, diabetes, stomach, liver, and shields can cause lipomas to develop.

Lipoma can not absorb by itself. Lipomanın yeqanə müalicə üsulu cərrahi əməliyyatdır.The only way of treatment of Lipoma is surgery. As we mentioned on top , lipoma is good-will therefore usually it does not create any danger for human life.  However, the lipoma may be irritated, it can disturb the patient, and when it is located in the visible places causes a cosmetic defect.Taking them into account, it is often desirable to remove the lipoma. It should be done at the initial stages when the lipoma is small.
In most cases, lipoma is excreted in ambulatory conditions with the use of local anesthesia and 1-2 hours later the patient is discharged home.The skin is put on 1-2 small sutures, and the sutures are absorbed by itself.

Contact the reception or contact us for details:
(012) 488 74 08
(012) 488 74 18
(012) 488 74 50

(051) 970 35 35
(051) 940 35 35

Address: Xatai region 1188 estate, Sabit Orucov st., 57G