Physician-physiotherapist Leyla Matanova, who works in our clinic, answered the questions of the audience the most.
What is Electrotherapy? What does "electrics" do?
In ancient times, people were treating paralysis and rheumatic pain with electric effects of amber and electric fishes. After the discovery of galvanism in 1789, its use continued in random ways. Achievements gained from the scientific development of electrophysics and electrophysiology have been systematized and new treatments have been applied. Thus, at the end of the XIX century, the newly formed section of medicine has created great opportunities for the use of electric current and electromagnetic fields. In modern times, all types of electricity are used ; galvanic, sinusoidal, impulse, low, medium, high, extreme, extreme high frequency, interference, static voltage etc. Some types of currents are directly transmitted to the human body through electrodes and transmitters, while other types are transmitted without transmitters. Purpose of treatment determines the type, shape, frequency, direction of movement, selection of dimensions of electrodes and their placement in the human body. With This type of treatment, physiotherapy division of medical institutions, is a physician-physiotherapist involved.
Thus, the mechanism of action of the current is such. Although this topic is very big, this is the main mechanism of action.The physiotherapy treatment process begins with response to the irritant factor of the organism. It is known that the reaction of the organism depends on the parameters of the factor we choose. Just because the frequency of the pulse current at 80-100-120-150 Hz has a pain-relieving effect, because this rhythm and frequency are only perceived by sensation nerves. What happens is that they pass the impulse of pain and thus currents flow, which ultimately reduces pain.We need a different rhythm and frequency (30-50 Hz) to irritate the muscle and stimulate the muscle.
On the other hand, if our goal is to improve the adaptation of the environment to stress and strengthen the immune system, then we have to influence the central nervous system. For this purpose, we use the distinctive quality of the irritant factor (current) to functional active sites of nerve, vegetative, endocrine, immune regulation centers.
In tissues, the flow of current is observed with several reactions. The tissue (blood, lymph, muscle, parenchyma), which had a higher content of water, had a higher electrical conductivity. This is due to the fact that the current is in the deeper structures. The movement of the ions in the course of the traverse is accompanied by polarization of tissues. Releasing and absorbing energy as a result of the adverse and positive ions flow to the opposite pole stimulates numerous biochemical reactions, improves metabolic processes. Intracellular and Extracellular regeneration processes continue for a long time after treatment. The organism begins to heal.
It is very difficult to describe all the processes that take place during treatment. Therefore, the next articles will continue to be familiar with electrotherapy.
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